Dobbins Memorial Forest is a New York State Forest. It was a forest that was started in the 1930’s when Franklin D. Roosevelt sent the CCC to plant thousands of trees. Harry Dobbins was a forester that had a part in purchasing many NYS Forests.
There are many different recreational activities that you could do. Some of the activities that you could do are hiking, camping, snowmobiling, hunting, snowshoeing, mountain biking, and horse riding. In Dobbins Memorial Forest there is a spot for geo-cashing.
Located at 42⁰ 17’ 122”N, 78⁰ 46’ 980”W the geologic situation of Dobbins Memorial Forest is unique and a little obscure. It’s located between Linlyco Lake, which was affected by glaciers and Little Rock City which was left unglaciated. When driving through the many valleys surrounding Dobbins you will notice their large U-shaped structures.
There is not any bedrock visible in the forest but there is a layer of soil that covers the till and bedrock. The till that is covering the bed rock was deposited by a glacier that was sitting still making the hill a moraine. Soil is on top so you can’t see the till or bedrock. Dobbins may be just like Little Rock City, where the area wasn’t touched by glaciers or it may be made of glacial till. It is difficult to tell due to the thick soil cover. Dobbins Memorial Forest is an interesting place to explore with many hidden geological secrets. See what you can find today!
Check out Our Map! Note, there are two points: one for parking, one is in the thick of the forest. View the map at
42⁰ 17’ 11” N
78⁰ 46’ 58” W
Information compiled by Drew Hill and Logan Martin 5/31/2012 for the Cattaraugus County Geology Trail
Where Dobbins Memorial Forest is located in Cattaraugus County
This feature is a place right next to the entrance for seating and gatherings.
Dobbins Memorial Forest was once a place that was used by local farmers for crops and feed for their cattle before the CCC planted the forest.