Nightmare Hayrides Adventure by Holiday Inn Express Employees

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On October 16, 2011 the Holiday Inn Express crew took a NIGHTMARE HAYRIDE ADVENTURE!

Talk about a fun staff adventure!!  Those of you that did not join us, missed a very fun time and the giggles and screams could be heard for quite a ways!!

What a FUN night that Erika and her daughter, Willa, Dottie, Melissa and her son, Sheila, Jim, Brittany, Todd, Ted, Sherry and Jim had.

Even though the weather was pouring rain, there was mud and mud puddles,

they had a Fantastic time on the NIGHTMARE HAYRIDE.  In fact, they wanted to

do it twice!!  And they said they were going to do an article to go in the newspaper about the FUN they had but I decided to do my rendition first.  They said they were feeling people up in the dark that they did not know, they were giggling, they were squealing, and they had such wonderfully hysterical stories to tell when they finished the trip.  They sure had fun talking about the Spooktacular fun as they sat in the wind and cold eating, drinking and shaking, after the trip through the mazes and tunnels.

The food was delicious.  Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Pretzels, Chili, Potato Bacon Soup, cookies and more.  Yummy.......the best darn Chili around....soups made by Karen Kent!  I heard one man say that he comes "just for the Chili", what a compliment to that delicious yummy concoction!!  I had a bowl of Potato Bacon and it was so yummy good, I took a bowl home with me.  (that's another story as when I took the lid off, I spilled it all over me..truly did, all over my face and clothes and anything else in the had to be there....guess I have to go back to get some more!!  Keep the pot warm, Karen!!)

Those that didn't go, should take the short trip there, as it was something to be talked about for quite some time.....I am sure the stories and giggles will remain being told for weeks to come......or at least till next year when we do it all over again...........screams, giggles, laughter, squeals and stories for days........that is what the FUN was all about!!

It goes without saying, that John and Karen Kent are the most gracious of hosts and they made the trip, in the pouring rain, well worth everyone's while.  If you don't know them, you should.  They run the most wonderful Nightmare Hayride and the best of the best, Ellicottville Rodeo.  If you haven't been to either of these fantastic events, then you are missing out on life, that is for sure.  They are so dedicated and everything they do is safe and FUN for all ages.  And they are right in our backyards.  So, take advantage of it....go take the Nightmare Hayride and then July 4th weekend, join them for the Ellicottville Rodeo.  They are close by, right here, and you will have lots of fun!!  And the food is always YUMMY!!

Ok, the truth is that Ruth Ann didn't go in the tunnel or take the Hayride.........she is a scardy cat for sure......she got to sit in the food shelter and kept warm (thanks to John and Karen and their wonderful staff!!  There are approximately 75 staff members that assist them every year to make this the best darn adventure anyone could have!!) while others could be heard screaming from afar..........but she had alot of fun listening to the stories about the fun time that they had....that in itself made that rainy, chilly night worth going out into it...........listening to everyone's laughter and comradery made every second of being cold and damp well worth it.  (I fell asleep with a smile on my face remembering the smiles on my staff's faces as they all talked about the happenings they just encountered, and they encountered alot of different things that kept them wondering, and some worried, about what would jump out next, or what they would run into or who would run into them!!!  What a FUN night I had, as well, just listening and watching them giggle and smile and laugh from the great time they had!!)

If you haven't been, you need to hurry as this coming weekend is the last until the next Fun Adventure comes around in October 2012.......Stay happy......Ruth Ann, General Manager, Holiday Inn Express and Suites, Salamanca, NY

Rock City Park

About Deb O

I have lived in Cattaraugus County my entire live.  I like to explore and have fun in the Enchanted Mountains!! 

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains