New Amish Trail Brochure and Map

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We've released a new Amish Trail Brochure & Map with updated locations of Amish businesses and English businesses (see the awesome cover in the photo above).

The new Amish Trail brochure is a mix of old and new brochure styles. The new brochure folds differently, the map is detachable, there are now trail loops for you to drive along, Amish Tours, Amish Geo Trail, a Barn Quilt Trail, and we've brought back the Amish Shops information tables!

People love our Maps

Thumbnail of Amish Trail sample mapAmish Trail map is on one side and on the other the Amish Shops information tables and a map of the Barn Quilt Trail.

The Amish Trail map can be detached from the brochure. We created a map with colored numbers representing the Amish shops and stars for the English businesses. Using the number you can flip over the map and look for the number in the table's # column and find the Name, Categories and Specific Items Produced at that Amish business.

Where's the Amish Trail map?

The Amish Trail map is available in the center of the brochure and online for your computer, laptop, netbook, smartphone or tablet and for download.

To remove the map from the brochure we recommend a staple puller but if you don't have one of those handy then we recommend a butter knife, a pen, tweezers or something small that you can use to pry the staples up or just gently pull the map out.

Map Overview

Image of the insert in the Amish Trail brochure

After you've removed the insert from the Amish Trail brochure you'll want to unfold it and identify the 3 parts to the insert; the Amish Trail map, the Amish businesses information table and the Barn Quilt Map. The Amish Trail map and legend takes up an entire side of the insert. Flip the insert to see the Amish businesses information table and the Barn Quilt map.

The Map's Legend

At the Cattaraugus County Tourism's office, they receive questions like the following:

  • Where can I get amish-made furniture? Wood Working are the numbers that are colored light blue or red.
  • Where to get a fresh baked pie? Foods are the dark purple numbers
  • Where is the toy shop? One of the most popular toy shops is Raber's Custom Gates & Toys red #36
  • Where can I get a tour? There are several organizations that give Amish Community tours along the Amish Trail.

Well, some of these questions may be answered by checking the map!

Legend Colors

  • Light Blue = Combination of Goods
  • Green = Fabric Products
  • Dark Purple = Foods
  • Yellowy-orange = Leather products (brown in the legend)
  • Black = Lumber
  • Light Purple / Bright pink = Metal Working
  • Blue = Repairs
  • Grey = Windows
  • Red = Wood Working

Example usage of Map

Preview of a information table on Amish shops along the Amish Trail

Lets say I wanted to see what locations #92 and #97 (Light Blue) had for sale. I'd flip over the map and search the # column for #92 and I can see that it is for "Rabers Blacksmith Shop; Combination of Goods; blacksmith, rugs, soap, cards, nightcrawlers". Now, I'd go down the list a little more looking for #97 and see "No Formal Name; Combination of Goods; Custom cabinets, bedroom sets, molding and trim, etc."

Trail Loops

When most people think of the words Amish Trail, they think there is a trail to follow. Those of us who've visited know you make your own route by road through these various communities in which the Amish live. To help people new to the Amish Trail, the Amish Trail group created trail loops or recommended routes to take to become familiar with the area. When looking at the map you map notice a bunch of roads are highlighted with a color. These trail loops are routes that are to help you explore the Amish Trail. They overlap and travel around through different communities and look crazy as the orange loop seems to spiral around. You could take a loop route to get comfortable and then turn off the loop and explore OR disregard the loops and plan your own route.

What is a barn quilt?


These “Quilts” are actually single block patterns that are enlarged and painted on boards that can easily be mounted to any structure, barns, and buildings or in yards. They range in size from 8’x8’ to smaller 3’x3’ yard quilts.


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Errata (Uh oh)

The two of the colors in the printed legend do not match up with the colors on the map (an issue between files).

  • Food category's color, in the legend, is very dark purple, like a maroon, and on the map it is purple.
  • Leather category's color, in the legend, is brown but yellowy-orange on the map.
  • Warning: Hey, you know some of the Amish families tend to move their shops from time to time so there may be shops that have moved and new shops that have sprung up. As it states in the brochure, "Please be aware that Amish businesses move and may no longer be in the locations indicated on this map. A limited number of gas stations are available, so fuel up before you come!"

Who made this brochure and map?

Cattaraugus County Tourism (us) and the Amish Trail group created the new brochure. We worked with the Cattaraugus County Office of Real Property for the custom map. We had one of our local print shops, Register Graphics do the final design and print the brochures. We feel this is this best Amish Trail brochure & map yet and we'd like to thank everyone for their input and hard work.

What do you think of the new brochure?

We are already making minor revisions for the next printing, which will be soon, and we want your thoughts on the new brochure and map and what information you'd like to see so please either leave a comment below or contact us.

EM of Cattaraugus County: orange and white background

About Jeremy K

I love running around in my bare feet and playing outside.

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