
Sweet Adelines Performed at the Leon Historical 1836 Church

The Chautauqua Shores Chapter of Sweet Adelines Performed at the Leon Historical 1836 Church on October 16, 2010. We received the following about the Sweet Adelines of Chautauqua Shores.

Fall Foliage Report

By the coming weekend, leaves in the Enchanted Mountains of Western New York should be at 98% changed and past peak. Colors are dull with yellows dominating, but they're falling rapidly, as we've had some strong winds this weekend!

I'm not ready for autumn to end, but weathermen are using that four letter s__w word for us mid-week!

Virtual Park Tours of Allegany State Park

You can now tour certain locations in Allegany State Park ONLINE!!!

Autumn is Wonderfall

Well, it is already Autumn in 2010 and we love the falling leaves. We've created the following routes to take you through different areas of Cattaraugus County. Please download the map of fall routes (3.3 MB) we created for you. The main routes, A, B, C are colored a light lavender.

Fall Foliage Report

Check out the photo above of the view behind the Cattaraugus County center building in Little Valley, NY.

Well, we're estimating that Cattaraugus County will be 85% changed by the coming weekend and our leaves will be past peak.

Fall Foliage Report

It is finally Friday! This weekend the leaves will be at 70% change and they are expected to be AT PEAK color.  Cattaraugus County is predicted to have some beautiful autumn weather; crisp, cool and sunny, so get out there and enjoy!

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains