
Fall Foliage Report, Week of 9/18/18

Cattaraugus county report:
5-10% change noticed.  Birch trees showing some color now also.  Maple trees showing a yellow tinge to their green leaves.  Willow leaves falling. Goldenrod is in full bloom.  Crabapple trees are in full fruit.

Photo shown is from the overlook at the north entrance to Allegany State Park. 

Cattaraugus County Fall Foliage Report September 12th, 2018

Fall Colors are seen at about 5% at this point.  Most change is noticed in Sumac, Beech & Locust Trees.  Our apple trees have ample amounts!  Need a place to go pick apples?  Cottage Orchard in South Dayton has u-pick apples!  Call 716-532-2960.  They are located at 9960 Nashville Rd.

Route 16 Road Trip

Summer has come and gone but with the hustle and bustle of summer schedules maybe you haven’t had the chance to fit everything in you wanted. Seriously, where did our summer go? Luckily, Route 16, through the entire span of the Enchanted Mountains, will be extra-energized the weekend of Sept 15th and 16th.

Photos tagged as #EnchantedMountains or #EMFun. @emountains